Harmonic analysis is applied to the time series data of relative humidity, which measured per hour in Xisha Exposure Site. 主要针对西沙试验站户外相对湿度全年时观测值的时间序列,作谐波分析。
Discussion on an Example of Harmonic Analysis with Fourier Series 对一道傅立叶级数谐波分析例题的讨论
Expending geography, earth interior mass, gravity and geoid into sphere harmonic series, we establish topography-isostasy compensation gravity and geoid sphere harmonic series expression according to isostatic compensation theory of lithospheric flexibility. 将地形高、地球内部质量异常以及重力、大地水准面展开成球谐级数,依据岩石圈弹性挠曲均衡补偿理论建立地形&均衡补偿重力、大地水准面异常的球谐级数表达式。
There are many gravity quantities expressed by finite spherical harmonic series expansions in the computing for geopotential. 重力场计算中,经常需要计算以有限阶球谐级数表示的重力场元。
Proving to the Existence Theorem of Primitive Functions and Divergence of Harmonic Series with Area Principle 用面积证明原函数存在定理和调和级数的发散性
As an expansion of our previous work, harmonic data manipulation with Fourier series expansion has been carried out for the simultaneous determination of instantaneous corrosion rate and Tafel slopes of corrosion system. 利用富里叶级数展开作谐波数据处理同样可以同时测定腐蚀体系的瞬时腐蚀速度和塔菲尔斜率。
The arc furnace electric system will make appearance of more harmonic current at the series resonant point and the parallel resonant and influence of series resonant is larger for the system. 当电弧炉电气系统在串联谐振点和并联谐振点附近时,均会出较大谐波电流,而串联谐振对系统的影响更大一些。
This paper studies the properties of the harmonic serles by using series properties, and gives a proof by contradiction for its divergence. 利用级数的性质对调和级数活跃的性态作了讨论和研究,并利用它的活跃的性质,用一种新的反证法证明其发散性。
IGRF ( International Geomagnetic Reference Field) are the models of geomagnetic main field and secular variation. The IGRF errors are from neglecting external field, truncation level of the spherical harmonic series, observatory distribution, measurement, and neglecting the crust geomagnetic anomalies. IGRF(国际地磁参考场)是有关地球主磁场与长期变化的模型,IGRF的误差主要来源于:忽略外源场、球谐级数的截断、台站分布的不均匀、测量、忽略地壳磁异常场等。
Harmonic series is a concrete, important series, it plays an important role in the theory of series. 调和级数是一个具体的、重要的数项级数,在级数理论中具有重要的地位。
A New MOV Linearized Model Based on Harmonic Analysis for Series Compensation 串补系统稳态计算中基于谐波分析的MOV线性模型
Analysis of Harmonic Suppression for Three phase Series Active Power Filters 串联型三相有源电力滤波器对谐波抑制的分析
Subsynchronous Harmonic Vibration Analysis and Prevention Measures Comparison on Series Compensation Transmission Line System 串补输电系统次同步谐振分析及防止措施比较
Determination of instantaneous corrosion rate by harmonic analysis ⅰ. power series expansion 谐波分析测定瞬时腐蚀速度的研究Ⅰ.幂级数展开法
The unified power quality conditioner ( UPQC) is a kind of novel harmonic and reactive compensation equipment by combining the series active filter and shunt active filter. 统一电能质量调节器(UPQC)是结合串联有源滤波器和并联有源滤波器的一种新型谐波和无功补偿装置。
A new method of analyzing and calculating the steady-state harmonic components in nonlinear networks& Volterra Series Harmonic-analysis Method ( Named by the authors) is presented in the paper. 本文提出了一种分析和计算非线性网络稳态谐波分量的新方法&Volterra级数谐波分析法(作者命名)。
A harmonic analysis for short data series is suggested to check the variation of the sensitivity and phase lag during the tidal observations. 为检验潮汐观测期间灵敏度及相位的变化,提出一种短资料的调和分析方法。
The Monotonicity of Partial Sum Sequence on Harmonic Series 调和级数部分和序列的单调性质
Under the boundary values such as disturbing potential, gravity anomaly, gravity disturbance and two or three of them together, the spherical harmonic series representations and cloed solutions on harmonic density anomaly are given. 建立起在边界条件分别为扰动位、扰动重力、重力异常以及其中两类以上同时作为边界输入的情况下,对应的调和性扰动场源的球谐函数表达式及封闭解式。
From the idea of compensation and filtering, the parallel compensating harmonic APF and series compensating fundamental wave APF are suitable for suppressing harmonic current. 同时,从补偿和滤波两种思想出发,指出并联型谐波补偿有源电力滤波器(APF)的补偿作用和串联型基波补偿APF的滤波作用可适用于非线性负载谐波电流的抑制。
Harmonic analysis on multi-day series current data at two anchored stations in the southern Taiwan Shoal 台湾浅滩南部二测站多周日海流观测资料的调和分析
In allusion to the conventional reactive power compensation harmonic magnified disadvantage, this paper proposes The new harmonic restrained method that the reactor is series in the main loop. 针对传统的无功补偿可能存在的谐波方法的问题,提出了采用串联电抗器来防止谐波放大的设计方案。
However, the second associated Legendre function is too complicated to compute, so a simple and practical ellipsoidal harmonic series expansion is introduced, and the series solution and integral solution of the Dirichlet boundary value problem and the Neumann boundary value problem under ellipsoidal boundary are given. 鉴于展开式中第二类缔合勒让德函数的计算较为复杂,接着引入一种形式简单、实用的椭球谐级数展开,介绍了椭球界面下Dirichlet边值问题和Neumann边值问题的级数解和积分解。
Experimentation on Harmonic Series and Euler 'Constant 关于调和级数与Euler常数的数学实验
Voltage type harmonic source and series active power filter 电压型谐波源与串联型有源电力滤波器
Then the paper introduces the basic principles of variable frequency speed regulation, studies the topology high-voltage converter, control methods, modulation methods, etc, and analyses the harmonic fiction performance of power unit series multi-level inverter. 本文主要针对变频调速的基本原理,研究了高压变频器的拓扑结构、控制方法、调制方法等,并对功率单元串联多电平变频器的谐波抑制性能进行了分析。
The work of this paper is make for depress the harmonic current of Single-phase series motor. 本文的工作有助于降低单相串励电动机的谐波电流。
The single-phase rectifier bridge and three-phase rectifier bridge are main harmonic sources, the dc side series active power filter can eliminates this kind of harmonic. 其中单相和三相整流桥是电力系统中主要的谐波源,而直流侧串联型APF主要针对这种谐波源进行治理。